Integrate the Power of

Reiki and Essential Oils

Aroma Reiki Training (ART) 

Elevate your Reiki practice by becoming a certified Aroma Reiki Practitioner. 


Join the Waitlist!

Don't miss the next enrollment for the Aroma Reiki Training! The next series will be on November 4, 11, and 18. 

Aroma Reiki Training

If you're a Reiki practitioner, (of any lineage or style) and would like to take your Reiki practice to the next level, I'd love for you to become certified as an Aroma Reiki Practitioner. 

Fragrance acts as a bridge between our physical dimension & the non-physical realm.

Essential oils are the Soul of the plant. They are energetic in nature and they can be powerful allies in our energy healing work. They respond to our energy and intention. Essential oils capture the life force present in every single living plant.

The molecular structure of essential oils is small enough to allow permeation through the olfactory nerves in the nose, or through skins surface, the olfactory bulb (actually in 3rd-Eye) identifies scent immediately and sends that info to part of brain called limbic system which interprets and translates it.

This part of our brain is associated with memories, which makes oils a powerful tool in clearing, healing and releasing old negative memories stored in specific chakras.

Plus, they help us create new memory responses associated with calming, balancing emotions.

"When the molecules of essential oils are inhaled, swallowed, applied to the skin or internalized into your body in any way, they are resonating with our bodies tissues at the frequency of their molecular structure. This increases your own natural electromagnetic vibrations and restores coherence to your electric fields to produce healing and maintain wellness.” from The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple: God’s love manifest in molecules by David Stewart.

Working with your body’s subtle energy through frequency resonance is just one of the many ways that essential oils can heal and benefit your health.

In the Aroma Reiki Training (ART) online certification course, I emphasize the importance of Reiki Practitioners to "self-empty" and allow the Divine intelligence of the Reiki + the oils to flow through them.

Sacred oils can be used with many other healing modalities. If you practice Reiki, then adding sacred oils to your practice will surely enhance your work.

I teach a very specific technique of selecting oil(s) for yourself, or your clients, and then allow the oil to guide you during a session as you slowly run you hands through your client's energy field, pausing at places where energy feels stuck or stagnant.

This course is unlike any other Reiki or aromatherapy course out there. It is a combination of "knowledge" I have received through over a decade of study of courses on Aromatherapy, + first-hand experiences of working with clients in Aroma Reiki sessions, + "Wisdom" I receive through Divine guidance from the spirit of the plants, my spirit guides + my own intuition.

While I was drawn to essential oils very early in my healing journey and have used them in client sessions for over a decade, within the last two years something has been reawakened within me- like information that has been stored deep in my cellular memory and soul is being reactivated.

I've studied the myrrhophore tradition which is an ancient tradition and healing modality using essential oils.

A big part of this tradition is working with the dying and helping them to transition peacefully.

The oils help the dying individual to resolve issues, and free their hearts as they prepare to leave this world. The myrrhophore’s intention is to help the individual return to wholeness and clear the path for their next life while resolving their past.

In my work (and purpose here), I have learned to apply this tradition as it pertains to the living. I believe we are standing on the threshold of creating a new world —heaven on earth —a time that mystics have talked about throughout the ages.

I believe that working with essential oils in a very intentional and sacred way has an important role during this time.

In the (ART) certification course, I will teach you how to assist humanity in letting go, surrender, heal and align with their highest self.

Long ago, there were women who knew the art of working with sacred oils. They were referred to as the Myrrhophores or Holy Myrrh Bearers.

Mary Magdalene was one of these women.

She has returned to our consciousness as a gentle and sometimes fierce guide helping us to reclaim our power, our truth and help us remember who we are.

In this training, you'll go beyond simply using essential oils in Reiki sessions and learn how to communicate with and intuitively use sacred oils for the purpose of healing, transformation, and restoring harmony in mind, body, and spirit.

You'll experience the loving power of the oils (the soul of the plants) to assist you and your clients to open up to your Highest Potential.

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-How essential oils nourish and awaken your Light Body

- How to perform Emotional Release Techniques (for yourself & clients)


-How to Increase Your Intuition and  Communicate with the oils (you'll receive a powerful attunement with the soul of the plants)


-How to use oils as a bridge between the physical realm & the celestial realm to receive Divine guidance to support yourself and client's healing


-How to select the most appropriate essential oils for your client using a unique combination of Knowledge + Wisdom + Intuition


-A solid understanding of working with essential oils on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels


-How to give an effective (and safe) Aroma Reiki session from start to finish


- How to create fully customizable client intake forms and questionnaires


-How to offer Aroma Reiki sessions as "upgrades" and create packages to help grow your Reiki practice

-How to use essential oils to create a sacred space in your treatment room


Join the Waitlist!

Don't miss the next enrollment for the Aroma Reiki Training! The next series will be on November 4, 11, and 18. 

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What's Included: 

MODULE 01: Introduction and welcome to the training. Learn what's included and how to navigate the course, your requirements to receive your certification and sign the student agreement. 

Module 02: An overview of Reiki + Oils. Review Reiki and overview of the SHINE Reiki principles. Essential Oils 101- (different ways to use oils, types of oils, frequency of oils, sourcing oils and the basics of creating blends). The effects of essential oils on the Amygdala.

Module 03: Learn how to connect and communicate with essential oils. Receive an attunement to the Soul of the plants.  How to use oils as a bridge between the physical realm & the celestial realm to receive Divine guidance to support yourself and client's healing. Meet your Reiki Plant Spirit Guide (a unique and powerful guided meditation)!

Module 04: Learn how to facilitate a safe & effective Aroma Reiki session from start to finish. Customize client intake forms, questionnaires and surveys. Use the SHINE method + emotional release scripts with specific oils for the purpose of healing, transformation, and restoring harmony in mind, body, and spirit. 


Module 05: Becoming a certified ART practitioner. Complete your assessment & receive a printable certificate. Learn how to offer Aroma Reiki sessions as "upgrades" and create packages to help grow your Reiki practice. Discover appropriate ways to use essential oils to create a sacred space in your treatment room. How to maintain your energy (an avoid "ki-depletion") with self-care practices.  

BONUS #1: Blessing of the Roses

Brand new Blessing of the Roses MP3 Guided Meditation. This is only available for a limited time!

This is powerful and sacred blessing that Andrea intuitively developed with the Divine Guidance of the Spirit of the Rose + the ascended masters of the Sisterhood of the Rose lineage, including Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, and Lady Nada. 

Each of your Chakra Centers will cleansed, purified and blessed with a corresponding frequency of various roses. This meditation will raise your frequency and prepare you for the advanced work and attunements to the plant kingdom in the Aroma Reiki Training course.


BONUS #2: Self-Care Practices for Reiki Healers

Learn simple daily practices to help protect, clear, and increase your life force energy. Learn to hold sacred space, offer healing and have compassion for others without absorbing their energy and pain as your own. Allow your heightened sensitivities to become a sacred gift (and not a weakness). 


BONUS #3: Tips to Market your Aroma Reiki Sessions.

Learn how to communicate your unique gifts & strengths as a Reiki healer.  Your gifts will make the world a better place and make a positive contribution to the world. You have specific talents as a Reiki practitioner that only you have and came here to share. Your Soul chose to be here now. Your Soul's plan includes Reiki. It's time to figure out why and clearly communicate that with the people you are meant to serve.  + All New 50+ Ways to grow Your Reiki Business!


121 pg. Course Manual

This comprehensive manual has everything you need to support your own Aroma Reiki practice and to use in sessions with clients. It includes a concise synthesis of essential oils, the frequency of oils, how to use oils for emotional release and chakra balancing. You also receive all of Andrea's SHINE Wellness Assessment forms, Emotional Release Scripts, Client Intake Forms and so much more! 


Frame Your Certificate.

Complete your assessment and receive a printable certificate. Become a credible Aroma Reiki Practitioner.  Grow your Reiki business by offering upgraded Aroma Reiki sessions & packages.


The Aroma Reiki Training (ART) 

 Enrollment for the NEW Aroma Reiki Training (ART) certification course is now open! Access the full course immediately. You will be invited to three live Q & A sessions with Andrea.
In the Aroma Reiki Training you will receive Sacred Rose Codes through the meditations and attunements, including Rose Clearing techniques to take your Reiki sessions to another level.
If you are drawn to this course, trust it is for a reason.
You will remember and integrate wisdom from prior lifetimes lived under the sign of the Rose. Allow the transmissions to download in your training, then you will be able to infuse this powerful healing in your Reiki sessions with others.
This is unlike anything I have ever created before.
This course was divinely inspired that I am meant to share with other Reiki healers. The meditations and attunements will bring you greater peace and clarity in which you will be cleansed mind, body and soul before accessing powers to use the essential oils in sacred healing sessions.

 Get ready to take your Reiki sessions to the NEXT level.

PREREQUISITE: Must be certified in at least Reiki Level I (preferably Level II, as this is an advanced level training for practitioners who have been practicing Reiki for at least 6 months).

Meet Andrea

Andrea developed a passion for holistic healing and natural wellness in 2005 when she embarked on a journey to uncover the root cause of her fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and depression. She holds a Master’s degree in education; is a National Board certified teacher, Usui Reiki master teacher (RMT) and a Lightarain Reiki Master, and is a certified transformational coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). Andrea is also a certified Soul Plan reader. She is a former classroom teacher, literacy coach and educational consultant with the Center for the Collaborative Classroom (CCC). 

Andrea offers online Reiki classes, online group programs, individual energy healing & Soul Plan Reading sessions inside the Shine School of Healing Arts. She also facilitates The Shine Collective, The Healer Within Academy (THWA), and The Chakra Activation Method (CAM). She is the best selling author of the Chakra Activation Method book and the Chakra Oils Oracle card deck. Andrea has studied various healing modalities, including Reiki, essential oil therapy, chakra balancing, nutritional medicine and transformational life coaching.

She integrates what what she has learned with first-hand experiences and divine guidance to create unique techniques and programs to help healers, and spiritual seekers, uncover their true Soul purpose and develop the courage & confidence to live a Soul Aligned life so they can SHINE their Light more brightly in the world!

Hope to see you inside!  

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Sonia McConkey

The greatest benefit for me taking this training is learning more about the oils and being able to use them in another way. I would recommend this training to other Reiki practitioners because it not only gives them another tool, but the essential oils will enhance their lives as well as their client.

Shannon Blatchford

I enjoyed learning how to use my intuition to select the oil and understanding why that was the oil to use. I also found the framework of the SHINE Reiki principles to be fascinating and then to see it work it's magic in hands on sessions. The volume of material that you provide us is clear and concise – I truly appreciate your organization. I would highly recommend any Reiki practitioners out there to give this course a go – because it will blow their minds wide open to the possibilities and potential for harmony and healing in themselves as well as their clients. 

“It’s given me confidence to do Reiki for other people. Her teaching style is clear and very supportive.”Tracey Gainey,  Canberra Australia


"The greatest benefit I have experienced is being able to do this at my home but still within a class environment. I am thankful to Andrea for the way she can help and assist in the ways she teaches, it's all very understandable and easy to follow.” - Tina Cheetham, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, UK


“This community allows me to take time for myself and fill my cup first....a deeper focus on self healing. I love the way she organizes the classes. The support you receive from Andrea is second to none, not only in handouts, but also the communication you have with Andrea is unending.” - Barbara-Ann mercer

Join the Waitlist!

Don't miss the next enrollment for the Aroma Reiki Training! The next series will be on November 4, 11, and 18.