"Andrea is very down to earth, her passion to help others grow and shine was really touching for me. Beautiful energy!"

Lori-Anne Ouellette
St. Paul Alberta, Canada

Registration is Currently Closed

The next live online class series will begin in the Fall 2024. (If you'd like to break the course payment in two monthly installments, please let me know and I will send you a link).

Reiki Level I


Only 10 spaces available!

SEPTEMBER 14, 2024

9:00 am - 3:00 pm EST


Reiki Level II


Only 10 spaces available!

SEPTEMBER 21, 2024

9:00 am -3:00 pm EST


Reiki Levels I & II


Save $100! Only 10 spaces available!

SEPTEMBER 14 & 21, 2024

9:00 am -3:00 pm EST


Reiki Master


Must be Reiki Level II for 6 months

SEPTEMBER 28, 2024

9:00 am -3:00 pm EST


The Benefits of Reiki

 Level I

  • Clear chaotic thoughts & feel more calm
  • Get anxiety, worry & overthinking under control
  • Alleviate physical pain & promote healing
  • Support restful sleep & relaxation
    Clear and balance Chakras

 Level II

  • All of the above +
  • Use 3 symbols to enhance the strength of Reiki 
  • Send distant Reiki to friends, family, clients & world situations
  • Send Reiki to your inner child to heal past wounds & emotional pain

Master Level

  • All of the above +
  • Use the Master Symbol symbol to develop and strengthen personal growth, self-awareness and increase intuition
  • Fulfill your Higher purpose & make Reiki a way of life
  • Teach and attune others to the path of Reiki (if you desire)

Lightarian Reiki

  • For those who are already a Usui Reiki Master (click here to learn more) 

 Aroma Reiki Training (ART) certification course.


Your Registration Includes: 

  • A live 4-hour virtual class experience with Andrea (with a 20 min break).
  • A private member portal with LIFETIME access to all of the video lessons and guided meditations!
  • The lessons and handouts are downloadable and yours to keep forever.
  • A comprehensive downloadable course manual + paperback version available to purchase.
  • A discounted rate to join the SHINE Reiki Membership, a private community of Reiki practitioners where you will receive ongoing support from Andrea, and fellow students, as well as Live Reiki sessions, group Reiki shares, workshops, guided meditations, & More!
  • Attunements received by Andrea during the Live class + MP3 version that you can listen to again and again. 
  • Printable Reiki certificate taht you can frame. 

Reiki has improved my life in so many ways. If Reiki has "found you" like it found me, then I welcome you to join me for this one-of-a-kind virtual class experience. 

Receive Ongoing Support

You also have the option to join Andrea’s private online Reiki community called the SHINE Collective at a discounted rate. She provides on-going support with live workshops, guided meditations, Reiki Shares and more! Interact, practice Reiki, and connect with other Reiki practitioners in this private monthly membership. For certified Reiki Practitioners Only!


"I sought out Reiki because I wanted to heal myself on a deeper level for over all well-being. Everything in the class was so informative. The Reiki attunement was very interesting how I could feel my finger tips pulsating. I also noticed my hands have a lot of heat and tingles.🙏 Andrea is very passionate about teaching Reiki and she provides excellent information in a clear way. Thank you 💜🌸 "

Desiree Paris
Sudbury, Ontario Canada

Learning Reiki is one the simplest and most amazing things you could ever do for yourself!

"My lack of self confidence and anxiety always kept me down in one way or the other. Since taking these Reiki classes, my anxiety is virtually gone and I have much more confidence then I've had in a long time! Andrea is a great teacher. All of the classes I've taken with her are easy to understand and a lot of fun."

April Brennen
Bristol, Vermont

Aroma Reiki Training

*Upon completion of this workshop you will be certified as aa Aroma Reiki Practitioner.

Prerequisite: Certified in Reiki Level I (preferably Level II) as this is an advanced Reiki Training for practitioners and does not attune to your to Reiki.

This is a self-study course with three live Zoom classes twice a year. The next live classes are May 6th 13th, and 20th.


-How essential oils nourish and awaken your Light Body 

-How to Communicate with the oils (you'll receive a powerful attunement with the soul of the plants)

-How to use oils as a bridge between the physical realm & the celestial realm to receive Divine guidance to support yourself and client's healing 

-How to select the most appropriate essential oils for your client using a unique combination of Knowledge + Wisdom + Intuition

-A solid understanding of working with essential oils on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels

-How to give an effective (and safe) Aroma Reiki session from start to finish

- How to create fully customizable client intake forms and questionnaires

-How to offer Aroma Reiki sessions as "upgrades" and create packages to help grow your Reiki practice

-How to use essential oils to create a sacred space in your treatment room


Usui Reiki Level I

You will attend this live online class using Zoom webinar. You will learn the history of Reiki, what Reiki is, the different levels of Reiki, as well as how the attunement process works.  You will also learn the Reiki hand positions and what they are used for and a basic overview of physical and energetic anatomy for Reiki. You will receive your 1st Reiki Attunement and will be able to perform Reiki on yourself and others.

·  History of Usui Reiki

·  The 5 Reiki Principles

·  Receive 1st Level Reiki Attunement

·   Hand Placements for Self Healing and Basics for Healing Others

·  Hands-on Practice

·  Discussion of Chakras

·  Guided Meditation

 * Includes Manual and certificate + access to the private member area so you can watch the lessons again and again!


Usui Reiki Level II

You will attend this live online class using Zoom webinar.  You will receive your Reiki II Attunement and you will be able to give distance healings. You will have plenty of time to practice sending distant Reiki to others in the group.

 ·  Discuss effects and uses of Reiki since attunement of Level I

·  Uses for Reiki II Symbols

·   Quiz on Reiki II Symbols

·  Reiki II Attunement

·  How to perform distance Reiki

·  Hands-on Practice

·  Guided Meditation

* Includes Manual and certificate + access to the private member area so you can watch the lessons again and again!

(Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Level I)Level I & Level II may be taken together at a reduced price. Cost includes Certificate & Manual.  (Save $100)


Usui Reiki Master

(If you'd like to make the payment in two monthly installments, please let me know and I will send you a link).

*Upon completion of this workshop you will be certified as a Usui Reiki Master with the ability to teach and attune others to Reiki (in-person & at a distance).

While the content of the class will allow you to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if you choose, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends. This class is a powerful healing experience.

(Prerequisite: Reiki Level II for 6 months). This is an online intensive class. It includes:

•   The complete Usui Reiki Master attunement

•   Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I & II, Reiki Master both in-person & at a distance

• Practice Giving Attunements

•   Advanced Reiki meditation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras

•   The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master

+ You will receive all of Andrea's customizable presentations, handouts and other resources needed for teaching your own classes in-person & virtually!


"Andrea was amazing and made me feel at ease. She presented a great workshop and I now have a solid understanding of Reiki Level I. The most positive experience for me was the attunement."

Alyse Childress
South Windsor, CT

Meet Your Instructor

Andrea holds a Master’s degree in education; is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT), Usui Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), Lightarian Reiki Master, and certified transformational coach. She has been a literacy fellow and educational consultant for two non-profit organizations. She is the founder of  The Healer Within Academy (THWA) and The Chakra Activation Method (CAM). Andrea is the best selling author of the Chakra Activation Method and the Chakra Oils Oracle deck. Andrea has over a decade of experience in developing and facilitating virtual learning sessions & classes both in the field of education and in holistic healing. Andrea credits Reiki for helping her overcome fibromyalgia, achieve greater health, happiness, and inner peace, as well as helping her uncover and fulfill her true life purpose. 

Reiki is a simple yet powerful system that will help the inner light of your Soul to SHINE through!


We are all beings of Light and Reiki helps strengthen our light so we can Shine more brightly.

Other forms of healing often work on external methods and healing symptoms.

Reiki on the other hand, goes much deeper to the root cause and brings it out to the surface so we can shine light on it for deeper reflection, healing, and learning.

If you have no desire to truly know yourself, then don't learn Reiki 😉

We inherit many patterns (some good and some not so good), as well as many limiting beliefs and old thought forms that can eventually lead to physical illness or pain.

I teach my Reiki students to clear and heal a lot of these patterns so they can access more of their own inner Light and become a clearer channel for the life force energy of Reiki to flow through.

When your energy is strong and flowing smoothly (unimpeded by all of the blocks we accumulate overtime), you feel more alive, vibrant, happy and healthy; and are less susceptible to illness and disease.

But, Reiki is so much more than hands-on healing. The Reiki principles can be woven into any area of your life. These teachings have completely changed my life. The practice of Reiki helps us to develop the skill to Just for Today, become aware of what is present.

So often, in our busy, hectic world we spend our time moving from one thing to the next without being very deliberate. We go through motions, with the majority of our thoughts spent dwelling on the past or worried about the future.

  • Reiki cultivates our ability to tune into the subtleties of our thoughts, feelings & emotions, beliefs and behaviors & habits.
  • Reiki helps us turn the mindless automatic thoughts & behaviors into mindful deliberate habits.
  • This is the shift from unconscious to conscious, from habit to choice, unlocking the doorway to your freedom and peace.
  • Those old outdated belief patterns will come up, but you will learn not continue to indulge them any longer!

This is why my Reiki School is called SHINE Reiki. Part of my higher purpose is to bring these Reiki principles of S.H.I.N.E. to life.

Anyone and everyone, from all walks of life can learn this ancient healing modality and apply it to your modern day life. You will truly learn how to shift from fear to love, and your habits will be driven from that place of love instead of the self-sabotaging fear-based thoughts.


Hear what students have to say about Reiki classes with Andrea!

Can You Really Learn Reiki Online?

Reiki is a huge part of my life. It's part of my daily wellness plan and how I’ve restored harmony and balance in mind, body, spirit and emotions. It's as much a part of my life as breathing. Yes, it’s that important.

And now, I have a way to share the exact system I’ve used for years and refined over the last decade! Previously, I have taught all of my Usui Reiki classes in-person. And I still believe that is a powerful way to learn Reiki. 

However, Reiki has evolved, and so has our society, since Mikao Usui first discovered it in the mid 1800’s! Learning online is an excellent way for people without access to a face to face class to learn Reiki.  

If you live far away from the closest Reiki Teacher, it means you can still learn Reiki without traveling to a class.

Maybe there are teachers in your area but you do not feel a connection to them.  For many students, learning Reiki from the right teacher is very important.

Maybe you learned Reiki many years ago but wish to refresh or update your knowledge and you want to learn a down-to-earth way of practicing but prefer to learn at home rather than participate in another face to face class.

In our busy world, you may also find it difficult to fit in an in-person class in between your home or work commitments.

And you may simply enjoy the process of being able to take your time and learn at your own pace and revisit the online modules with video lessons and guided meditations at anytime. 

Finally, you may want to take this online Reiki class with me, so you can connect with a community of other Reiki practitioners in our private group to receive on-going support, and opportunities to participate in regular distant Reiki sessions to improve and refine your practice. 

​I am truly grateful for the technological advancements that allow me to connect with people from all over the world!

The practices you will learn in these Reiki classes will transform everything, so get ready to see a positive ripple effect throughout every area of your life!


"I love the preparation that went into this Reiki class. I feel that Andrea is very passionate about passing along this knowledge to us. It was wonderful to feel the good energy flowing. I am grateful for Andrea and the services she offers. She is so open and you can really feel her spirit. I have been able to feel a deeper connection to my body, mind, and spirit. After a session I feel no arthritis pain and so much calm, with a greater sense of peace and harmony. I have learned a lot about helping myself."

Shelly Ranney
Eats Hartford, CT

"I used to worry a lot about what others thought. Since taking these classes with Andrea, I feel so much better about myself and Reiki! She is a great teacher and she made me feel comfortable. I also really liked how she did the attunement near the beginning of class so we could feel the energy. "

Janice Reece
Hedley BC, Canada

"It’s hard to say what the best part of this class was. It all felt so powerful. Intention goes a long way and I felt safe. This work leaves me wanting more. "

Caitryn Byrka
South Windsor, CT

Registration is Currently Closed

The next live online class series will begin in the Fall 2024. (If you'd like to break the course payment in two monthly installments, please let me know and I will send you a link).

Reiki Level I


Only 10 spaces available!

April 13, 2024

9:00 am -1:00 pm EST


Reiki Level II


Only 10 spaces available!

April 20, 2024

9:00 am -1:00 pm EST


Reiki Levels I & II


Save $100! Only 10 spaces available!

April 13 & 20, 2024

9:00 am -1:00 pm EST


Reiki Master


Must be Reiki Level II for 6 months

April 27, 2024

9:00 am -1:00 pm EST


Disclaimer: Please Read

Andrea's Reiki classes in the Shine Reiki School, and the other programs she offers, are provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions about your medical condition. Do not ignore professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read or learned in this class.


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