Clear, Balance, and Activate Your Chakras: What's the difference?

activate your chakras balance your chakras chakra activation chakra balancing chakra healing chakras heal your chakras how to balance your chakras

The words clear, balance and activate your chakras are often used interchangeably. I get asked a lot about the difference, so I’d like to explain my interpretation of what it means to clear, heal, and activate your chakras.

For those of us on a journey of healing and spiritual growth, we often naturally undergo a process of awakening that is followed by clearing, healing, and activation throughout our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

The chakras are centers of energy located at various places throughout the body along our spinal column. They are the gateways for how we give and receive energy within, around, and beyond our physical body.

We have seven major chakras that vitalize and maintain our life force. They are located from the bottom of the torso to the crown of the head. While each chakra is associated with physical parts of our body, including surrounding organs and hormonal systems, they are also connected to our subtle body. These are fields around our body where emotional patterns, mental behaviors, thoughts, memories and belief structures are located.

Clearing / Healing / Activating

When we begin the clearing process, we are releasing adverse patterns that have accumulated in the Chakras and subtle bodies so they function more efficiently. As you move along your spiritual path and clear away more of these adverse patterns, you are able to bring in more and more light. This means actually expressing more of your divine spark- your true self.

When you clear more completely, you are then able to heal more deeply. Healing means we are restoring balance and harmony; returning to wholeness. As you heal more and more, you are able to activate your energy centers. Activate to me means to "switch on". You are able to manage your chakras and harness this energy to support health, happiness, and inner peace. You can achieve your highest potential in life.

This clearing, healing, and activating allows you to get closer to Source, your Higher power, and Higher self- to the divine that’s within all of us. As the clearing process takes place, your chakras will be able to anchor in more light. Your vibration and energy will increase and as a result, you will naturally begin to manifest to heart’s desires with greater ease.

For those of you who wish advance along your spiritual path more quickly, this process of clearing, healing and activating your chakras can be dramatically accelerated through various forms of energy modalities. Using methods such as Reiki, therapeutic essential oils, visualization, prayer, and affirmations, etc. can help you restore balance and harmony.

It’s important that you use discernment when selecting various methods and techniques. Use those that really resonate with you and will serve your highest and greatest good at each particular step along your path.

Many individuals have good intentions of establishing a consistent healing practice, but in our busy day to day lives it can be challenging to add anything new into our daily routine.

Our overall sense of safety, security, and having good health & vitality begins in the Root Chakra. You must have a solid foundation here to continue the upward journey. Bypassing this work could be detrimental to your spiritual growth. You will feel like a hamster on a wheel, circling back to the same place over and over again.

I’ve put together a class that will help you clear, heal and activate your Root Chakra so you will feel:

- More organized and patient
- Increased vitality, energy and strength
- A greater sense of belonging
- Secure, safe and stable
- Fit, healthy and strong
- Grounded (not spacey or flighty)

In this class, you will learn:

1. How to ACTIVATE Your Root Chakra.
Follow along step by step as I guide you through this unique method.

2. A Guided Meditation to Heal Your Root Chakra.
I will lead you through a Root Chakra healing meditation (+ give you the MP3 download).

3. Specific Root Chakra Journal Prompts.
Use these specific prompts to reflect on the state of health of your Root Chakra.

4. How to Build a Solid Foundation for Your Life.
Learn how to live a spiritual life while being fully present here on earth.

You will also receive a Root Chakra guidebook with the activate script, affirmations and other tools immediately when you sign up.

It’s time to Root so you can Rise.
(new class dates TBD)

In the meantime, you can begin healing your clearing and healing your chakras by Downloading the Chakra Healing meditation here >>>


All my best,
