The Root of Your Worry

balance your chakras balance your root chakra chakra balancing chakras essential oils let go of worry root chakra

Put the E in S.H.I.N.E.-  Elevate Your Thoughts. Let go of fear & worry and faith that all is working out for the highest good!

The most common reasons people feel worried, anxiety and stress are related to money, work, and relationships. These are all things related to our survival.

The first chakra also referred to as the Root or base, relates to survival and basic life needs: food, clothing, shelter. When we fear not having enough of these items, we may feel insecure or unsafe.

The first chakra also relates to acceptance and trusting in the Universe. Stress and anxiety arise when we are focused on the future and worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet. Worry is simply a lack of trust that everything will work out for our greatest and highest good.

Physically, the Root chakra relates to our adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone cortisol. When we are under a lot of stress, our body produces a lot of adrenaline which can deplete our physical and emotional health. Taking time to relax, calm your mind and body and feel grounded is essential.

Balance your first chakra to let go of worry and reduce anxiety.

One simple and easy way to dissolve worries and balance your Root chakra is to massage your legs and feet. The feet and legs are physically connected to the Root chakra. After a bath, add some essential oils to a carrier oil— I like fractionated coconut — and massage it into your feet and legs.

My favorite oils for letting go of worry and restful sleep are a Relax blend I created with lavender + cedarwood + orange or Stress Away. Stress Away pretty much does what it says- it keeps the stress away ;)

Spend some time giving yourself a loving massage and appreciating your feet and legs for all they do for you each day. This practice will make you feel more grounded and calmer.

In addition to the self-massage, you can also read a positive affirmation just before bed. I keep these on cards on my nightstand to help remind me to read them. Your mind is most amenable to suggestion just before sleep. So, this is a perfect time to state your intentions so your subconscious mind works on adopting these new beliefs as you are sleeping.

Here is an affirmation that I teach during the ACTIVATE process for balancing the Root Chakra:

“I am the embodiment of vibrant health. I am safe. I am secure. I am grounded. I am ready to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe.”

Our overall sense of safety, security, and having good health & vitality begins in the Root Chakra. You must have a solid foundation here to continue the upward journey. Bypassing this work could be detrimental to your spiritual growth. You will feel like a hamster on a wheel, circling back to the same place over and over again.

I’ve created an 8-Step Emotional Release Process that you can practice anytime you're feeling fearful or worried. It includes the following the phrases:

Even though I have stored this worry in my body, I love myself and accept how I feel.

Even though I feel so worried about this situation, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. 

I am ready to let go of this worry.

I don’t need to hold this worry anymore.

I can let it all go now.

Place one hand on heart, one hand on belly. 

I release any remaining worry from every cell in my body. 

I choose to let go of this worry. 

I have faith that all is working out for the highest good.

I now release my worries and feel that peace is within me and within this situation.

Hands in prayer. 

Thank you. And so it be.  

Then, relax with your palms face up in your lap with your eyes closed and just notice how you feel. Notice if any ideas or lessons are brought to your attention.


You can download the PDF with the full 8-Step Emotional Release Process to Let go of Worry here >>>

All my best,
